Friday, June 18, 2010

July, 2010 Outreach

The "Hands For Liberia" blog has been brought back to life!! Although our interaction with Liberia has not been documented here over the last year and a half, our hearts and time continue to poor out to Liberians that we have come to love over the past six years.

That being said, a small team will leave for Liberia on July 17th for a two-week outreach. While many of our prior trips focused on the children from Daniel Hoover Orphanage, this trip is all about going "without a set plan" and allowing God to use us in the way He wants. Hmmm, funny thing that we have finally figured out that it's nearly impossible to have a "plan" in Africa and have resigned to simply go with freedom to be used. One thing is clear - we are to be a "blessing" to the people there, primarily in relationship.

So, a couple things are on our hearts for our time there:
  • We will partner with two AFCI communities to share with and encourage church leaders, conduct a bible school of sorts with community children, encourage young women around the topic of purity and show God's love by blessing each community with a meal.
  • One of the highlights of our prior trips to Liberia is hosting a July 26th Independence Day dinner for the children of Daniel Hoover Village, the Deaf Home and friends of ACFI. We will again host this dinner for around 600 children and adults. "Chicken" is on the menu, which is an unusual treat.
  • Brad Neuenschwander will be assessing and evaluating equipment and tools to support the 2011 planting season for land donated in the memory of his father, Lil' John.

Who will be traveling?

  • Dan, Sue, Michal and Moe Hostetler
  • Heather Steiner (traveled with us in 2008!)
  • Dee & Josh Neuenschwander
  • Brad Neuenschwander

Brad will be joining our team the second week and will stay an additional week with Dee and Josh.

God has certainly given us direction and shown us His desires over the last few months. That's a really cool thing that happens when you step out to the uncomfortable and unknown in faith. What an experience - I'll share more about that as we go.

"The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see. " Hebrews 11:1 The Message