Thursday, July 10, 2008

"Going Out"

We were challenged at Living Water more than a year ago about the idea of "going out" and being who God wants us to be in our respective worlds.  That challenge has resulted in more than 600 people from our fellowship going out within our community, nation and the world. 

For us, we knew our "going out" meant going to back to Liberia.  Our team began to develop and encompasses many friends that we've grown with over the years.  The team includes:
  • Us (Dan, Sue, Hannah, Michal and Momo)
  • The Steiner's (Tim, Ashley, Heather & Lindsey)
  • Terry & Lavonna smith
  • Kristine & Jordan Knetzer
  • Dee Neuenschwander
  • Emily Briceland
God has had His hand not only on our team, but also with the details surrounding the trip.  We've seen travel funds raised, that for all purposes should not have been available, medical supplies and nurses to travel on the team and generous hearts of local students and community members to provide personal supplies for children.  Amazing....  

Our time in Liberia will consist of spending time at the Daniel Hoover Village and the Deaf Home Orphanages providing medical care, distributing personal care packages, documenting children for sponsorship programs, celebrating Liberia's Independence Day (July 26th) with a dinner for over 500 orphans/workers and accomplishing construction and repair.  Along with this, we just hope to share God's love and compassion and be His hands in ministering.

For those that are praying, here's what you can pray for:
  • Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and boldness in moving to the Spirit's prompting
  • For the Liberians/orphans who are currently suffering from lack of food  & sickness
  • That the container (currently in port) is released without excessive financial penalties
  • For ACFI leadership and a vision for future.

As we go....    July 19th through August 4th

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