Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The boy named Adama

Visiting Momodu's family is an adventure and quite joyful experience. We meet Uncle Varney in a small village by the name of New Kru Town. Momo is warmly greeted with hugs and laughter. We are honored guests in this village and are surrounded with children that watch as we visit. The photo from this summer shows just a small portion of the children and adults that observe our reunion.

When we visited Uncle Varney (photo to the left with Momo) in 2007, there was a boy that quickly claimed a place at Momo's side. Although Momo remembered playing with this boy while visiting Uncle Varney, he didn't know his name or relation at the time. It was obvious though that the boys had a special bond.

When we arrived at New Kru Town in 2008, this same boy was one of the first to meet us. He claimed his normal spot at Momo's side (photo to the right). When Momodu's mother arrived, we spent time documenting the names and ages of her children and learned that the boy on Momodu's lap was actually his younger brother, Adama. He is around 8 years old and lives with Uncle Varney.

I was able to share a gift with Adama that a friend from work had asked me to carry for "any boy". The package had clothing and Thomas the Train toys. He was delighted and, in African style, whispered in my year, "tanks mom" (yes, with a "t" rather than a "th"). Adama has Momo's bright smile although it's not seen often.

Things became uncomfortable when it was time to leave. Uncle Varney shared with Momo that he was finding it difficult to provide for Adama and that he planned to send him to the bush (better known as the interior). Momo was visibly upset with this which made our departure even more emotional. Many of the adults from our team accompanied us on the visit that day and as we left there was not a dry eye in the group and we watched the separation of these two boys occur.

Every time we travel to Liberia and meet children who need homes, I pray that if God wants us to move and provide a home to a child, that he will make it perfectly clear. There was an emotion that moved through all of us that day that is hard to describe. However, I can say that God clearly moved that day.... it's one of those things you just know.
So, what's next - yes, we have begun the paperwork to bring Adama into our family and home. We realize that by most standards, its not a reasonable thing to do. However, we've learned that when God calls us to move in faith that He has a good plan with many blessings in store for us if we're obedient. So, that's where we're moving in confidence.

"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." Romans 12:12

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