Tuesday, July 20, 2010

We're Settling In

As you’ll see from the pictures, Michal, Heather and Momo are at work around the house, washing dishes and pulling water from the well. A couple gentlemen have been working hard to fix plumbing so that we don’t have to carry water. We told them to relax, we’re just as happy bathing from a bucket. That’s part of being here.

It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, all children simply want to be recognized, called by name and given a hug. When they receive these simple gifts, their smiles make all things right in the world. This being said, around 175 children were in search of this attention from us today at Westside Church. We were somewhat unprepared for a culture that anticipates long church services. We had a brief lesson on Jonah and the whale and quickly learned that in Liberia, the whale is actually a “shark”. We trust that the children left knowing that God is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. That is our God.

My memory is short when is comes to recalling the chaos of working with large groups of Liberian children. We were quickly reminded when it came time to perform a seemingly simple task of distributing stickers. Michal said quietly, “this was a mistake”. But most children received a sticker and no one was hurt or injured in the process.

Dan shared with around 30-40 pastors and church leaders. He was very encouraged by the sincerity of group and their desire for personal growth and accountability. All the children and adults received a small meal after the services.
We will be back at Westside tomorrow – more prepared than today. The children were encouraged to bring friends and were told there would be bigger and better things tomorrow. We’ve got work to do tonight to prepare.

A small group of us traveled then to the Deaf Home for a brief visit. While communication is difficult, the children are beautiful with bright smiles. Despite many, many needs at the home, they are cared for very well and loved.

We would appreciate your prayers tomorrow as Dan shares again with pastors and as the rest of us try to capture the attention of the children and teach them a small truth about the love of God. May they see it in us.


Deb said...

I many times wish I could be there with the children. So glad that you are though. All is good at home. Love to everyone.

Robin said...

Thank you, Sue, for sharing with us in this way. It helps me to feel more a part of your team!