Monday, August 15, 2011

Many people have asked, "How was your trip?" That's a hard question to answer not knowing whether or not they really want to hear my heart. So I have a tendency to say "Good". Or on occasion I might add, "We accomplished what we set out to do" or "Liberia brings perspective back to my life". In all honesty, I could talk for days about the experiences we had, the people we love and are in relationship with and the seemingly unending needs that continue to stir my mind and heart. I continue to ask God to help direct where and how we should be involved. It's overwhelming at times, but I trust God to show us. So, to answer the question, "How was your trip?", I made an effort on the travel home to journal the events/people that touched me the most. This barely scratches the surface of all that happened, however, these events touched my heart and changed me.

  • Isaiah and the prayer walk (story in an earlier post)

  • Mary - On June 24th, 2003 she suffered a grenade injury during the war and continues to live with the injury today. We had a beautiful time of prayer for healing over her.

  • The chance meeting with Steve's sister Catherine at Waterside. I had been unable to make contact with her and told Steve that I was looking for her along the street. He laughed at the idea, but sure enough, we found each other outside of a store and then had a beautiful time together in church the following Sunday.

  • The way God uses Monrovia Christian Fellowship to minister to us while in country.

  • The culture and educational opportunities in Bomi County. Our connection to the culture and people would be challenging and I'm asking God for clarity.

  • The attentiveness, honesty and openness of the women.

  • The role of men and need for Godliness in their lives.

  • Of course, my care for Rufus as a son. Our departure was extremely emotional for him and it helped me to understand the significance of the role we play in his life. We are pursuing a student visa once more.
So, the "settling back into America" process is underway. I know that God refines me every time we travel and specifically know that the compassion in my heart is different than it was a year ago - but the question is what do I do with it?? That's probably one of the most difficult items to process when returning from Liberia, the "what's next"? I can say that I've been prompted to accomplish the "big" and "hard" things...

For those reading this, I would ask for your prayers that God would reveal the "what's next" and give us courage to be obedient and act. Please also pray for the part of Liberia that God has placed in our lives/home in the States.

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