Monday, July 18, 2011

After a long 13 hour flight, we arrived safely in Liberia on Sunday afternoon around 2:30 p.m. Our very dear friend, Lillian was there to meet us and $25 got us through the airport and customs without delay (or stopping for that matter). Because we were carrying 9 large bags, plus our carry-on’s, getting out of the airport and finding transportation was challenging. Of course, there was an abundance of volunteers waiting to help us carry bags and find transportation.

We were welcomed to the guest house by many old friends and there were lots of hugs and laughter. We had a good African meal, unpacked and then turned in early for the night. We were all very tired and slept until 9:00 a.m. the next morning.

Monday was a “get settled” day. I was quite pleased to start the morning by remembering the technique of tying a mosquito net. It was a challenge last year - but this morning I mastered it first try! Had to post a picture...

We had a driver at our disposal, so made a trip to town to buy a new cell phone and I then opened my first Liberian bank account. It was a bit uncomfortable because the bank had little privacy and the “Customer Service” desk where I was opening the account had 5-6 people standing around the desk (and me) all wanting attention. I explained to the gentleman assisting me that U.S. banks are quite different and each customer’s banking and financial matters are handled very privately. He smiled and said “it’s a little crazy here”. After obtaining two passport photos, so they can confirm I am who I say I am when transacting business at the bank, I now have a “bank book” with my picture attached and manual entries of deposits. What a departure from what we experience. Might I just say that there is no ATM or debit card!

We then made a trip to Daniel Hoover Village to deliver gifts and to see Rufus who is there working this week. Even though school is not in session, there were several children on the grounds and many were under the age of five. I was able to meet with Eric’s mother and had a nice visit with her. She confirmed what we already know - that Eric is a very “happy” boy. She’ll be attending our women’s meeting tomorrow so I’m very pleased to spend more time with her.
We also delivered gifts to the Knetzer children. They all have great smiles and made a special point to come find me to thank me. I look forward to having them in our community and church family. Their names are Adam (9), Princess and Amelia (both 11).Even though we have spent countless hours traveling the roads around Monrovia, I continue to be overwhelmed as I look out the window of the car and see the poverty and people that appear to have no reason to be productive. We returned to the house exhausted and I believe it to be as much emotional as physical exhaustion. In all this though, God has certainly gifted these people with joy and the ability to laugh through all difficult things. That’s what makes this country beautiful….

We're all well and look forward to starting our meetings with the young ladies and older women tomorrow. This is new to all three of us - so we're a bit nervous. I guess that's when God can use us the most - when we're not relying so much on our own gifts.

PS, my Smucker friends - I'm having difficulty connecting to e-mail. The Help Desk "helped" me connect to the internet today. I'll give them a call tomorrow afternoon to try to get e-mail set up!


LifeWithTheFerrells said...

Beautifuil post Sue! You have a way of explaining the things you see so we feel like we are right there with you. Lots of prayers going up for you 3 and the 4 left at home!

Deb said...

We will be praying for God's love and direction as you move among His people. So thankful that He is watching over brings much assurance to those of us that love you!! We are missing you...don't worry about those boys...all is good!

Jean Steiner said...

Hi ladies...greetings from the Steiner home this evening! Glad to hear things are off to a good start. Praying that you will accomplish all that God has for you on this trip and that you will have a safe stay. Hugs & prayers!

Robin said...

Thank you for taking the time to keep us informed; you write so well, it seems as if I am with you (and my prayers and love are)!

Wendy said...

Blessings to each of you from China. We are so glad you made it there a pray that you will have a wonderful visit with all your friends and family in Liberia.

Deb said...

Hi Sue...thinking of you! Hope you are having a wonderful you, your sister :)