Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bags Are Packed!

Seven bags are packed at exactly 50 pounds thanks to our dear friend, Toni. She has a gift for taking our mess of belongings/gifts and fitting them into suitcases at exactly the right weight ..... not sure what we would do without her. There was one very big item that she was unable to fit after several attempts - ERIC. What a joy he brings to our house...

Transitioning our minds and hearts toward Liberia is a process. Part of the transition has to do with dealing with our "stuff" and I'm reminded of it as we pack items that we feel are necessities. My mind probably doesn't entirely stop until the plane touches down on Liberian soil. Then reality begins....

We'll depart Cleveland Saturday afternoon at 3:00 p.m. and will arrive in Liberia on Sunday afternoon. In the past we arrived later in the evening, so it will be nice to land during daytime hours.

Today I read a devotion that said "Don't be afraid to go out on a limb, that's where the fruit is". I suspect that we're climbing out on a limb tomorrow. We're trusting God to use the quiet time in the air to further prepare our hearts and the material we'll be sharing over the next few weeks to produce FRUIT.

More to come....

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