Thursday, July 21, 2011

As I suspected, the "unplanned" events that happen in Liberia are the most successful. Thirty young men met with us this morning to go on a prayer walk around the community. Before we left, I was able to share with them about the importance of being men of God and changing the face of Liberia by the decisions they are making now. We spent time talking about how to find time alone with God and being prepared to tell stories of how God has changed us. Amazingly, the boys were with me with heads shaking in confirmation. I trust that a small nugget stuck in their hearts. My group:
We then separated into three groups and took off throughout the community. While we had many very cool experiences, the one that stuck the most was how a boy by the name of Isaiah (Steve's brother and Momo's cousin), changed throughout the walk. I had met with him before the service to discuss supporting him in school and I shared the requirement that he make good decisions in his life while we're supporting him. I asked if he was going to join the group for the prayer walk and he agreed even though he did not normally attend this youth group.

God, in His own wisdom and design, placed Isaiah in my group. As we left the compound he said "Mom, I'm not sure I know how to do this" and I told him it was fine and he should just come along to watch. By half way through the walk he was beginning to greet people, and soon became active with recommending who we should talk with next. We were running a bit late on our return to the compound and on our way there was a man sitting on what barely was a chair with his head down. The rest of the team passed him by because it was time to return, however, Isaiah said, "Mom, we should stop". I agreed and Isaiah started a conversation with the man. The rest of the team joined as he shared many troubling stories regarding his son and the difficulties in providing for his children. When it was time to pray, I looked at Isaiah and he started a powerful prayer for the gentleman. God is so good and I pray that today was a day of renewed faith for Isaiah. I was able to pray for several babies and their mothers/fathers. What a beautiful opportunity to bless the children.


Elizabeth, Eric’s sister, has now joined us at the house and will be staying with us through Independence Day. I have many fond memories of her on my first trip to Liberia and am looking forward to spending time with her. We ended the day by visiting Monrovia Christian Fellowship for their Thursday night worship. During of week of serving and giving, it felt good to be encouraged by their worship in teaching. We always feel very welcome there. Elizabeth

Although I know this, it was evident today that God’s unexpected plans are so much better than mine. The girls did such a great job of leading the groups today and God has been so faithful to us. We’ll be working at the Daniel Hoover Village School tomorrow cleaning the grounds. I will also be meeting with the woman from ACFI that has relationship with the U.S. Embassy to discuss options for Rufus. Please continue to pray for an open door for him.

1 Peter 3:15
You must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it.

1 comment:

Deb said...

We miss you!!! Have a wonderful day tomorrow! Love you lots!!!