Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sorry to be a few days in updating the blog. I’m not sure how to explain the phenomenon of time passing quickly in Liberia – but it does. All I know is that we don’t typically “stop” and retire to our rooms until 11:00 p.m. Then the unwinding begins. Elizabeth has been a delightful roommate, but we spend a lot of time talking and not sleeping.

Friday was spent at Daniel Hoover Village cleaning. I helped mix cement, load it in buckets, lay tile and was the general gopher. I’m amazed at the number of women who worked outside in the hot sun among fire ants literally all day. The girls and I took a break from working and had an amazing opportunity to pray over a woman who was badly injured by a grenade during the war. She had told her story during our women’s meeting earlier in the week and on Friday her friend came to me to ask if we could pray. And so that we did, we prayed for healing. I don’t know what God will do with that – but trust Him with her. It’s amazing that despite this woman’s physical problems, she was among all of the other ladies working.
As I mentioned above, Elizabeth and I have had a wonderful time together with much talking and laughter. She is the female version of Eric. This became very apparent as we walked along the ocean talking and enjoying each other’s company when the waves overtook us and we found ourselves “in” the ocean. Sorry Dan, I forgot to tell you – the camera was over my shoulder. I thought I saved it from “a lot” of water, but it’s not working just now (I’m hoping we purchased the extended warranty). For some reason, Hezz caught it all in photos, maybe she realized that an accident was in the making as we ventured into the ocean.
On Saturday we made a trip to Waterside market. After seeing the mob of people pushing to get through the streets and sidewalks, I decided to leave my personal things in the car and have Rufus carry the money. Among the stores and street vendors, there were ladies tucked in corners having their hair plotted (braided) and pedicures done. Liberians are certainly preparing for the 26th. Shopping was exhausting. We found fabric for African suits and a few other gifts and then headed out of the city.

And then this morning we attended church at Oceanview. I was asked to join the church leaders in prayer before the service and then was called to sing, share a few words, pray for the pastor before his message and then pray for a group of leaders that were preparing to attend a conference. When you attend a Liberian church service, you should be ready for anything….

We then attended a Liberian wedding, the brother of my dear friend Lillian. Let’s just say that the processional was about 45 minutes long and the wedding was over two hours. Guests walked down the center isle as the processional occurred and I saw one groomsman step out to take a phone call. So, weddings are not nearly as formal in Liberia as they are in America. Here’s a quick photo to give you an idea of the “décor” of the wedding.
Thank you all for praying. We certainly feel God’s presence, particularly as we’re called upon to minister. There are so many opportunities. Over the next few days you can pray about our connection with Adama and Rufus. We will likely make a trip to pick up Adama tomorrow and will keep him for several days. I continue to ask God to open doors for Rufus – he needs to be in America with us. And then, we are asking God about plans for the rest of the week. We want to be flexible and used. It appears that the girls will likely be meeting with a few of the young ladies that they met with earlier last week.

We love you and miss you all. Big hugs and kisses to the men at the Hostetler house and to Hannah, Micah and Phil.


Deb said...

Thinking and praying for you everyday. Thanks for your helps so much to be in touch with you this way and share all that you are doing. Life is good at home...we miss and love you....Deb

Jean Steiner said...

Hi Sue...thinking of you guys each day, glad to hear things are going well! Hope you enjoy the celebration and time with the children. Praying for all of you...

Tim & Jean